26 julio, 2009

24 julio, 2009

Música del Mundo - Galicia

Canto de Andar, by Luar Na Lubre
Álbum "Camiños da Fin da Terra" (2007)

(Bieito Romero-LNL) Canción inspirada en las antiguas cantigas galaico-portuguesas y en las tradiciones bárdicas del Atlántico.

Amence paseniño nas terras do solpor.

As brétemas esváense coas raiolas do sol.

Meu amor, meu amor, imos cara o mar maior;

Miña amada, meu ben, imos polas terras do alén.

Acariña o silencio e escoita o corazón,

Que moitos dos teus soños latexan ao seu son.

É tempo de camiño andar e de non esquecer

que o futuro que ha de vir é o que has de facer.

E o sol vai silandeiro deitándose no mare,

Facéndonos pequenos con tanta inmensidade.

Galahad, para Gradiva -La Que Anda.

10th World Congress of Semiotics-A Coruña

‘A science which studies the life of signs in the heart of social life'

That’s how Ferdinand de Saussure defined the term: “Semiotics”, whilst other leading learned figures, such as Roland Barthes or Umberto Eco, have been responsible for linking this science to a great philosophical foundation, with tangible elements like fashion, shows or everyday-life objects. Specialists from around the world will discuss all of this in A Coruña, from November 22nd to 26th in 2009.

"... there will be ten Plenary Sessions ‘with leading experts as Umberto Eco and Darío Villanueva, who is the founder of the Spanish Association of Semiotics. They both have confirmed attendance’.

The slogan of this encounter will be ‘Culture of Communication, Communication of Culture, in relation with the description Umberto Eco made in his General Semiotics Treaty’, indicated the Organisers.

The Finnish professor Eero Tarasti, president of the International Association of Semiotic Studies, went through the World Conferences held by the Institution and showed his gratitude for the welcome they had received by the Authorities of a city he described as wonderful. Tarasti was accompanied by various members of the Association from Spain, Cameroon, Australia and Italy.

The World Map of Culture
This Tenth World Congress of Semiotics will commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, which was held in Paris by Roman Jakobson, André Martinet, Roland Barthes, Julien A. Greimas and Umberto Eco among others.
LA VOZ DE GALICIA (Autor: Rodri García)